When they become parents, spouses receive from God the gift of a new responsibility. Their parental love is called to become for the children the visible sign of the very love of God.
- St. John Paul II
Parents scheduling a baptism for their first child, or parents who have not attended a baptismal preparation class in the past five years, are required to participate in a baptism preparation class before the baptism date. Godparents are not required to attend. To schedule a baptism or to participate in a class, please complete the information below, and our Parish Secretary, Ariel Winterhalter, will contact you. To reach the Parish Office, you may call 913.492.7318.
Parents wishing to schedule a baptism for their child, over the age of seven, should contact Maureen Leach at 492.7318 or [email protected].
Adults wishing to be baptized should contact the Parish Office or email http://[email protected] for more information.